Stop worrying - just get out there & put into the world what you have to offer. Just do it.

31:53          |          2020          |          Masterclass

Training with Stacy
Tuschl's Students

Stop worrying, just get out there & put out what you have to offer. Just do it.

31:53          |          2020          |          Masterclass

Training with Stacy
Tuschl's Students

Stop worrying, just get out there & put out what you have to offer. Just do it.

31:53          |          2020          |          Masterclass

Training with Stacy
Tuschl's Students


Diving into the underrated power of email

Stacy: Hey, everybody. So sorry for the delay here. Hit a little bit of a scheduling conflict, so I apologize for, A, how I look because I just had to drop my daughter off at dance class at Stacy's dance studio and we were missing shoes all over the place and this crazy eight year old. So I apologize and I apologize to you Jo, I know your time is valuable and we appreciate you so much coming into the group. So I am going to stop sharing my face so you guys don't have to see me and turn it over to Jo to let her talk all about copy. And I know this is a great topic and so many of you are asking about it and really want to take a deeper dive into it. So I know you're going to love this and I'm going to turn it over to you.

Jo: Hello. How are you?

Stacy: Good. Thank you so much. So sorry again.

Jo: No, that's okay. Is the sound okay? Are we good?

Stacy: I can hear you. If you guys can put in the chat if you're having any sound issues, but I think we are good to go.

Jo: Great.

Stacy: So you have full capabilities to share your screen. Okay. Thanks. Claire says, sound goods, Stacy. We're good. So fantastic. I'm going to let you take over then and then I'll pop back on as soon as you're done.

Jo: No problem. Well, hello everybody. I'm Jo. I live in Queensland, Australia, so it's morning here, but I've had coffee, so we're all good. Thank you for having me. It's just lovely. I have to just give you a little bit of a background on me. I won't take too much time on that though. I'm old enough to have started a few businesses and sold them, a film distribution business way back when we built databases literally by hand. We'd sit, copy and paste emails for a week, build a database of 7,000 people, ring them all, say, "Can we email you something?" And then Disney would buy it and use it for a lot of money when films came out, like when we launched Narnia in Australia and things like that.

Jo: I've started tourism businesses, my partner and I own a couple of racing yachts. So, that's a little bit fun. So anyway, quite a variety of businesses. So I've had plenty of experience in writing for different industries and just, I guess, getting the tone right and speaking to people and solving the problems that they have. And when somebody says, "Hey, I booked because I read the description and it just sounded amazing and I had to come," you know you've done a good job. I used to be a book editor as well and wrote for the local paper, so way back, I guess the written word has been my thing. Learning to adapt to video has been my challenge, but that's just life, isn't it?

Jo: So I've got a little bit of material on email tonight. I figured that's the most neglected part of most businesses. And really, you could be bringing in 30% of your revenue without any trouble if you run your email well, 30% of your revenue from email. So I thought I'd run through that today. I just wanted to get a quick indication of you guys. Are you all online coaches? I know Stacy works with brick and mortar as well. Are you studio owners? Can you maybe just throw in the chat what you do? That would help me make sure I give you something relevant.


The value of a strong email list

Jo: If you've got the chat up. Okay. Excellent. Online shop, physical products from Stacy. That's cool. Online and physical products. Dietician coaching. Excellent. I have two free gifts to give away too, just to give you a head start at the end. So one of them I might need to adapt to, it's for coaches, but I can do it for any industry. So, physical therapy. Cool. I love the mix. I love the diversity and that's what I love about marketing is that it's never dull. There's always a different challenge, a different way to think about things. Cool. So what I'll do is jump into this. I'll get... One moment. I'll share my screen. Oh, is it possible to get that screen-sharing turned on?

Stacy: Yep. I will get you on here.

Jo: No worries. I love the way Zoom changes all of these settings and then you've got to fuss around. Sticking people in waiting rooms and turning off all the good bits.

Stacy: You should be able to, is it not letting you? I have you as-

Jo: It says host has disabled participant screen-sharing, so...

Stacy: Let me go. Okay, there you go. So sorry. There you go.

Jo: No, don't apologize. Honestly, it's just a silly thing, isn't it? So we'll get this up properly. Okay. So can you all see the screen? Yeah, now I haven't got the chat up. Feel free to unmute yourself and just talk to me. I don't mind at all, but just running through how to make it with email and it is easier than you think. I think a lot of people get really worried and go, "Oh my goodness, what am I going to say?"

Jo: So we're just going to bust that out of the water right now and make it really easy for you so that you can sit down and just smash these things out. So, you know email's good for you, like salad, and you know you should eat the salad, but really what do we want? The garlic bread, the quick wins. We just chuck out another ad and think we'll get all of our sales on top of funnel cold traffic, but if you put the time into doing your email marketing, as I said, you can bring in easily 30% of your revenue. I know a particular ad agency that's getting 60%, 70% of their revenue on email. So they use obviously the ad campaigns to bring in the cold traffic and get people on the list and then go from there. So don't underestimate this, it's really important regardless of which business you're in, it really matters.

So back to the good stuff. You know that if you build a strong email list and keep it really engaged, that you're flexible, it doesn't matter then what Facebook or Google decide to do and which tantrum they throw for their policies. You've got your real estate and you can speak to your people. I don't know if you were aware, I think it was last year in March, Facebook did go down for a few hours. Nobody could access their business manager. People had thousands of dollars of ad spend running and couldn't do anything with it. So, it does happen. It's not inconceivable. And as of this year, we know that anything's possible with what's been going on with shut downs. So same with the online world, things can shut down when you least expect it. And email is a very reliable way to still be able to speak to people.


Reframing your mindset for service

Jo: So yeah, people make a lot of money. If you've made a dollar on email, and I'm sure you're learning in your training with Stacy, that if you've done something once and made a dollar, you can replicate that system, so same with email. If you're running paid traffic and you don't have a good email system in place, it's really like fishing with holes in your net. You're bringing people in and then they're just dropping out of your system and you're missing opportunities all over the place.

Jo: So I just had a quick quote from Michael Brenner, who's fairly influential with marketing, and he says, "If you haven't built relationships with the customers, you're not marketing effectively. If you don't understand their needs and their wants and their goals and you haven't been making the effort, then you're not going to reach your business goals." So that happens through all of your paid channels and your email and basically every time you open your mouth with your customers.

Jo: We often look at it with a position of, how many sales can I get? What can I get out of my email marketing? Which is natural. But when you do that, you're coming from a position of lack and not abundance. So if you can turn it around and think, what can I give? How can I genuinely serve these people? And show up for them and meet their needs and make their life easier? The whole thing just changes. The thing just turns on its head and it flows much more easily. So as usual with anything, it's all in your head, once you can change the way that you frame something, the challenges kind of just melt away.

Jo: So the way I'd like to put it is, if you remember when you were a kid in school and you had something to say to your friend, you didn't let it stop you whether your teacher was talking or even probably in an exam, you'd still pass a note if you wanted to say something. You found a way because you were just busting to get that message out and make somebody giggle or share a secret or whatever it was. So to me, email's the same. It's just a way that you can share something that you've got to say and it's a really convenient way of doing it.

So, have fun with it, share jokes, make it really easy. The other thing I'd like to say is that... It's just... Sorry, I've just lost my train of thought, but I just want to remind you that the way that you frame it, it just makes things so much easier. People come up to me every day and go, "But what am I going to write?" But if you can think of it this way, just talking to your friends, it's that much easier.


Looking at a framework to better understand

Jo: But rather than just say, "Hey, it's up to you, do what you want to do," I will give you a framework to get started. Always work better. So if you can remember that your subscribers are on your list because they were interested in what you had to say in the first place, it just helps you relax a little bit. So whether they want discounts or tips or building skills, you've got that to offer them. So if you've got a physical store selling products, obviously your products are good for them in some way, they make them laugh or they help make life easier. So you can show ways of those products being used, as well as offering discounts, and mix it up a little bit.

Jo: But what I'd like to stay on this is, it's your list and you can do whatever you like with it. It's yours. You can just speak to people the way you want to speak to people and what's attracted them to your style and your brand in the first place is what will keep them there. So don't try and be somebody else in your emails, just do you.

Jo: When people first come into your business, you'll know from a physical store, you want to show them around. You want to act as a concierge. So really, when you start with email, that's your welcome email. It should help people know what's next and what they can expect. Some people throw a lot of things into it and some people just send a quick note. I'm going to give you an example of a quick one that's working well.

Jo: This is a client that we have. They do exercise for older people. It's power-assisted machines. They have two studios in a city near us, they're about to open their third. When people fill out a Facebook lead form, we have an automatic welcome email that goes to them. That way we catch them in case they don't get the phone call. So that email has an open rate of 52.7%. It has a click through rate of 4.4, which is a little bit because there's not much to click in that email except the Facebook link at the bottom. So when I looked at that I went, there's potential to do more here.

Jo: Now they just wanted a really quick email and I'll show you what it is. It just says, "Hi." The subject line is, "Thanks for joining the waiting list." So it's pretty, got this new studio opening, pretty easy, we think you'll like it here. "The countdown is on. The new studio is expected to open in July. Putting the finishing touches together. We'll let you know." It's really simple. "Looking forward to meeting you." Then they have a photo of Jessica with one of their clients and they have some social proof from what current clients have been saying. It's performing nicely. It's opened well. They could do better.


Putting your subscribers at ease

Jo: So what they could do is they could test improvements on this by including links in the email to success stories on their website and have a bit more of a menu that helps people poke around a little bit more and get to know the brand. So an example here, and take a screenshot if you like if it helps.

Jo: Basically, "Hello. Great move. You've subscribed. That's going to completely alter the way you do whatever. Here's what to do next." Now you might've offered them a free guide, that's the way I've run this example. "So download your free guide here and we'll check back in tomorrow to see how you're using it." This is important. I'll come back to it. "Join the Facebook community. Check out our success wall. Enjoy the goodness. We'll see you tomorrow." And then, P.S. And you might have some other links.

Jo: So what this does is it's like I've walked into a foyer and you're saying, "Okay, this is here. This is over here." And just helping people feel comfortable with where to find things. Something I like to do in a sequence after a free download is actually walk through the download with them. So you can see here, step one, I've got download your guide and we're going to check back tomorrow. So tomorrow I would send them an email saying, "Hey, did you look at tip one? It says this. Have you done it yet? What did you think? Here's how somebody used it." And that way you're actually making sure they use the resource you've given them. It gives you an excuse to be back in their inbox with something that's actually constructive. And it's better than just, "Hey, you got my download, now buy this." Just builds that relationship a bit more.

Jo: So I've just got some powerful email subject line words that you can play with. So new, with a colon, and then whatever it is. How we did this. Case study, here's how so-and-so did this. Avoid these mistakes, whatever many mistakes you can find. Am I the only one who? Or you are whatever, rockstar, dance studio owner rockstar. Imagine, and then paint the picture for whatever it is they're trying to achieve. Or welcome to blah, here's what to do next. Urgent, breaking, important, alert. They're all words that get people's attention in a subject line. So play with those just as some ideas.


Unpacking the success of real life examples

Jo: I want to show you some that have worked for us. So I have an agency called McKee Creative. So in McKee Creative, we did a case study for when a client had just started their campaign. People often say, "Oh my goodness, it takes weeks." And sometimes it does, but within a few days we had some really nice results. So we sent an email out of the gate and it was a nice open rate there, 35.7%.

Jo: Another one, in Australia people often don't like things too hyped up. So we tested, what is a realistic ROI? And 29% of the people sent to their email opened it. I think people like to know what's real and yeah, just intrigues them, even though it's not an over the top kind of subject line. So take into account the culture that you're speaking to when you do your subject lines and your emails. Order before February 14th, here's why. 64% opens. And basically that was when I went on holiday. I have a done for you copy service. I was going away, normally I'd get things back to people within 48 hours and I didn't want to have to do that, but it was a very successful little email with lots of people opening it and lots of people ordering. So, yeah. Last day to book, Hamilton Island Race Week 2020. Now this is a yacht racing regatta. 62% of people opened, that email made $12,000 in revenue. So again, don't underestimate the power of email.

Jo: Now, I don't have the chat open. I hope that's okay. I should check in. Maybe just unmute yourself if you've got questions and then I won't miss any. So, some things that you could be doing is look at what brands in the same category as you are doing, feel free to subscribe to their emails and stalk them and learn from them and see if things resonate with you really well or give you ideas to improve. There's no shame in getting ideas from other people and you might've heard of a book by Austin Kleon called Steal Like An Artist. And basically he's talking about how even the greats have been inspired by others. And as long as you're not plagiarizing, there's no harm in getting inspiration from other people, bouncing ideas.

It's really important to know your audience really well. What professions do they represent? How do they speak? What standards do they expect? Do they swear a lot or not? Some people find that it's great, some people find that's terrible. Do they use just a lot of slang or do they speak really well? What topics are they really interested in, even outside their business? You might find some connecting things that you can throw in there for a bit of a well-rounded human feel.


Tips for high ticket offers

Jo: If you're doing high ticket, you might not want lots of sales all the time. In e-commerce, often people rely very heavily on sales, but if you've got a higher ticket item, it's best not to discount your brand like that. So also showing things in context is really good. So if you've got a product, obviously you know lifestyle images and user generated content and just stories of how people are using a product, and the same even with courses, stories of how it's changed people's lives and how they built the skills that you set out to teach them. Just putting things in context helps people go, "Yeah, that's real. I need that."

Jo: If you're obviously featured in any media outlets, make sure you use that. It's not the actual media appearance that matters, it's what you do with it afterwards. So, if you get on Oprah, that's great, but you want to then get an article about how you appeared on Oprah. Make sure that you repurpose that moment as often as you can in email, in your ads, everywhere you go. It just amplifies that resource that you've got by having appeared there. And tell stories of your company, tell stories of the founders, make it real, let people see maybe some of the challenges that you've had and how you overcame those. Because people buy from people. It's just really simple.

Jo: Seth Godin puts it really nicely. He says, "People like us do things like this." And if people can see themselves in your emails, then they're more likely to go, "Oh my goodness, it's them again. I need to see what they've got to say." So just, yeah, shape it to your brand and your voice. Keep it really natural.

Jo: It's really important to segment. A lot of people don't do this well enough. It takes a little bit of time to set up just with your tags and segments in your system. If you're in e-commerce, you can definitely use it to upsell, cross-sell, bundles, all sorts of things there. If people have purchased, it's really nice, a lot of coaches do this, but not enough eComm people do, put a video from the store owner and just jump in and say, "Hey, thanks for buying whatever it is. If you've got any questions, go here. Did you know you could do this with this product?" Or whatever you want to put in, but a thank you from the founder means a lot to people.


The value of testing

Jo: You can run that in your ads or in your emails, but not enough people are using this. So, test it out. If I can get on video, so can you, and see what the reaction is. I've seen it be a really good reaction every time. Now, yeah, for important emails, you could create an audience of people who did not open the last one and then just resend it to them. If you're an e-commerce, there are some Klaviyo audiences that you really should have down, besides your abandon cart and things like that. So I've just listed them here. Open email, but did not click and did not buy in the last 30 days. They clicked the email, but did not buy in the last 30 days. Or yeah, as I said, add a video. So try those out.

Jo: And also, it's really nice to jump back in. If you've got a product that will have a shelf life of three months or something like that, make sure that you come back in with an email timed for when they need to reorder and pick up the sales that way. Of course, you've got your seasonal things as well.

Jo: So testing, we say it, it sounds like a really boring word, but it can be actually really exciting when you test and something does better. It's really fun. Nerds like me jump out of our chair, which is pretty massive when we get a good test result. So test when it's a good time to send your emails, test different subject lines, and I just wanted to make a note here, I use the word free, but it's actually been found that freebie performs better in some industries than free. Free was slightly down on open rates and freebie was slightly up on open rates according to MailChimp. So it can be as simple as whether you say free or freebie, which you wouldn't think is something to test, but it can be. Test emojis, if your audience likes that sort of thing in subject lines. Really just the simplest things can make a big difference. So don't underestimate that.

Jo: So I do have a couple of free gifts for you and I'll grab, I've got the links on notepad so I'll pop them in the chat in a moment, but I've got the one done for coaches. I just did a launch sequence template so that if you're launching and you need ideas, you can use it to adapt for your launch. Obviously there are lots of blank spaces to fill in your details, make sure you do that. And I've also got a email checklist that I'll give you the link for as well.

Jo: So if you're not in coaching, feel free to just message me. And what I'll do is I'll make an email sequence for your industry and that way you can download that and get ideas from that. I don't want anyone to think, "Oh, this doesn't suit me. It's not going to work." So it's no trouble. Just let me know.


Answering student questions

Jo: I'll just go back to... Totally lost my screen here. I'm going to go back to Zoom. Let's get rid of that. Save. Okay. So I'll just grab the links and put them in the chat for you. Now, when you download those, you will need to put your email address in and we are putting together a course called Copywriting For Profit. So if that's useful to you, it will keep you in the loop with when let's released this month. It's definitely going to happen this month. And what it does is take copywriting for all formats and also walks you through the commercial considerations of what to look for to know whether it's doing well or not, and just how to structure it properly.

Jo: So any digital format, in fact press releases, everything's going to be there. So wherever you need words for your business, video scripts, whatever, it's going to cover all of that and make sure that it's really tailored to everybody who's part of it. So rather than ordering, we do have it order on demand service. I'll put the link in there, but that can add up pretty quickly. So if you need to do your copy in-house, the course is going to show you how to just really nail it and be really relaxed about doing it.

So, okay. I'll just run through the questions. How many emails in a nurture sequence is a good idea before you sell an online course? I think I've got eight in the sample one, Chelsea. Some people really flood and probably Claire and Stacy would have more feedback on this than me, a lot of coaches do flood the last day when the cart's closing, they'll send four emails or more. I feel like it's bashing people over the head a little bit, so I hope I'm not offending anyone by saying that. And the fact is that it tends to make sales. So whatever works for your business, and if it keeps your subscribers happy longterm, then go for it, if it doesn't turn them off.

Jo: So yeah, I find too in e-commerce, some people are really short with abandoned carts or nurture sequences there. And some people might just do three abandoned carts, one within an hour, one within 12 hours, one within 24, and they're pretty boring about it, to be honest, but you can inject some life into it and you could maybe do five or six, come up with some suggestions for other products or just, you might go an abandoned cart and say, "Hey, your time is really valuable. We noticed that you've got as far as putting this in your cart, you didn't buy. So instead, we'd like to send you this." And just send them a free something to say, "We've honored your time. And also, is there any way we can help you?" Just some customer service rather than, "Hey, you've lived this in your cart, click here." You can do better than that.

Jo: Let me see. I think that's all.

Stacy: Perfect. And I will go and drop those in the comments. I'm going to make sure to send those in too to our Facebook group so they all get those links as well when they watch the recording tomorrow. So we should be able to send those out to everyone.


Taking things to the next level

Jo: So the difference in results from having a Gmail free account, rather than another email customized for business, I'm probably old enough that I tend to prefer things to be done right. I think branding is really important, to your question there Stacy. Sorry, I've just got sound a bit slow.

Stacy: Is there anywhere else they can find you on social platforms?

Jo: Yes. I'll just put Facebook, I'll put that, Copywriting For Profit. My agency's McKee Creative, but I don't want to step on toes here with Stacy on what's happening. So I think just stick to the copywriting. And if you want a done for you order service, you don't want to do it yourself, So basically, we turn things around within 48 hours, unless it's a big project. If so, let me know. I don't have a big team because I've just seen, I have so much respect for people like Ken and Jeff with No Limits Creative and Ken with AdZombies, they've done such a good job building their business, but quality control's a massive headache for them. So with us, I do it, or I have one off-sider who is an absolute unicorn for e-comm. She's a lot of fun. So we keep it really small and just make sure it's done right.

Stacy: Perfect.

Jo: Okay. So Stacy's not getting the links there.

Stacy: Well, it looks like in the chat, they were just going to all panelists, but I took screenshots and everything, so I'll make sure to send them and post them in the group later.

Jo: Thank you. You're very organized. Any questions-

Stacy: It wouldn't have been like at the beginning.

Jo: I'll just chuck my email in there as well.

Stacy: Yeah.

Jo: And that way I'll put it to everyone, check my settings. Come on, Jo. There you go. There's an email address, so we can fix everything from there.

Stacy: Fantastic.

Jo: But yeah. I just want to say, I love what you do here too, because traffic for online or offline is so important. And the way that you set things up is very tidy. So if anyone's, you've signed up for Stacy's training, you're in a good place. Yeah.

Stacy: Yeah. Thank you. And we so appreciate your time and the value you brought to this group. And I think a lot of the times, all of our members maybe struggle a little bit with the copy side of it because they feel like they should be one way. But I loved when you presented that, just be yourself. If you use slang, if you use emojis, use those in your conversations because you reel them in initially, already, and they like you or they like your product. So I think that's really reassuring to the group to know that it's okay to be you and you don't have to be someone else in your copy or in your emails.

Stacy: So, very beneficial-

Jo: It's really important. I am actually just going to throw in too, I don't know if you've been observing, but when men do business, and I'm not trying to separate the whole society here, but when men do business, they tend to just do their thing. They don't worry about what they look like or, I'm laughing actually, because with the shutdowns, you'll see a lot of high flyers from banking being interviewed on the news and they're sitting in their bedroom with their wardrobe door behind them, looking down into their laptop and you can see straight up their nose and they look terrible. And do you think anybody minds? No. They're paying them for their expertise.

Stacy: It's true.

Jo: It's just reminded me that we've got to stop worrying and just get out there and put into the world what you have to offer. It's just do it.

Stacy: Yeah. That is so, it's a beautiful message to hear because a lot of people, I think, need to hear that and you worry too much about being perfect and presenting yourself in X, Y, and Z way. And you don't need to. You have the freedom to be you.

Jo: Yeah. I mean, I'm 49 years old. Do you think I want to go on video? No, but we just have to be us and get over it. So, yeah. And the same in your email, in your ad copy, in anything, just be you and that way your voice is going to come through and that way, you will naturally stand out from your competition because nobody else is like you. It really is that simple, just a bit of empathy for your audience and be yourself.

Stacy: Well, thank you so much, Jo, for your time. And I will make sure to drop all those links and everything into the group. And we will post a recording of this into our group too, so all the rest of our members that could not be here live will be able to see that. And once again, really appreciate your time and all the value you brought to our group today.

Jo: No worries. I better get... I just need to get somebody's email who was in a different industry. Claire Dennis.

Stacy: Yeah. Clary. Yeah.

Jo: Claire, what industry are you in? And I think I need to check... Oh, it's Clary, not Claire. It is Clary. Get that industry, I'll make sure the email sequence suits, so physical therapy clinic and home health. Okay. On it. Okay. I've copied it.

Stacy: Awesome. Thank you so much. And everybody live, I will give you those links. Go grab those, such a great value and so nice to cater that to each individual industry if it didn't apply to them in the original link. So, so very nice of you and very generous.

Jo: Easy. All right. Thanks a lot. And you guys have a good evening.

Further Reading
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